The program will focus on experiences to gain further knowledge regarding health disparities, health policy, social determinants of health, and the care of vulnerable populations. This training will also engage participants in the planning and development of effective solutions to address health inequities presented in the curriculum. Participants will be prepared to integrate an understanding of the social, cultural, and other non-medical factors that influence health outcomes for patients into their professional work.
Hosted by MACHE within the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, the Health Equity Certificate program will offer multidisciplinary educational and professional development opportunities for medical, nursing, and graduate students as well as medical residents and fellows.
Mission Statement
To contribute to the pipeline of the health equity workforce through health equity education, mentorship, community engagement, and translational research. To increase the ability of the health equity workforce to provide equitable services to underserved populations.
Health Equity Certificate Program
Participants in the Program will have the opportunity to:
- Engage in meaningful partnerships with community organizations
- Become knowledgeable about the social determinants of health and how they relate to health equity on local, regional and national levels
- Strategize effective ways to modify root causes of health inequity
- Engage in and conduct translational research aimed at improving health disparities
- Innovate as part of the Learning Health System to improve the delivery process of care
- Become empowered with meaningful skills to promote health equity
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can participate?
Any student enrolled in Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Physician Assistant, Graduate School or Nursing Program, or a Resident or Fellow, is eligible.
What is the program duration?
One academic year, or until all required components are complete.